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will chiropractic care help my horse?

21 10:02:53

Hello, I have had this horse 2 weeks, when I noticed her shoulders were off.  I had the vet check her and she has a tendon ligament problem in the form of a bump on her R fore fetlock.  The vet says there is nothing that can be done for the bunp and her overcompensating has caused her L shoulder to build more muscle and her R shoulder to have some atrophy.  He says the bump is on that leg because that hoof is a wee bit smaller than her L hoof and therefore the problem starts there.  She is a 10 yr old gaited mare.  The seller said she would give me back my money, so we may do that since we bought for the purpose of riding.  I really have got attached though and wonder if chiropractic care could help these sorts of issues?
Thank you, Keleigh

Hi Keleigh,

Sorry this was delayed - apparently my first reply didn't send!  

Yes, this sounds like something that might benefit from chiropractic care.  You can get a local referral at  I'm not a vet, so I can't help too much on the fetlock/vet issue, but I think it would be worthwhile to have a chiropractor out to check her.  Especially if you're attached to her, it's worth a try.  All the best,

Dr Larry