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breeding pony mare with horse stallion

20 16:55:46


hi i have a arab 1/4horse crosse pony shes 14.1-1/5hh shes very fine i want to know what i can breed with her to get a horse out of her with out complications at birth? thanx

Hi Katy,

If your mare is over 14hh... she technically is not considered a pony. Ponies are anything that is under 14hh.

You should also understand that when breeding horses, there is ALWAYS the risk of possible complications.

As far was what breed of horse to cross her with... I think a lot of that will depend on your own personal preference.  Since she is 1/2 Arab and 1/2 Quarter Horse, you should consider either of those breeds, rather than outcrossing to another breed.

So, it just depends on which breed you prefer and take your pick.  Most Arabs and the majority of Quarter Horses are right around the 14 1/2hh area... so you should be fine with either of those.  It's always a good idea to choose a stallion that will compliment your mare.

Best of luck,