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Red Eared slider illness

22 16:07:27

Hi, I have a red eared slider, he used to feed on turtle food pellets available at local shop, but recently has stopped eating that and does not seem to be interested in any kind of food. He has become sluggish and I can see some skin shedding on his neck. I have tried giving him hibiscus flower, coriander leaves, carrot, but does not touch it at all. He has always been feeding on the local turtle food. Pls. advise.

Hi Rajesh,

I really can't give you any advice based on the incomplete information you've given me, but most likely the problem is lack of space, lack of proper heat or UVB, poor water quality, or overall diet issues.  RES require a roomy tank (or pond) with good filtration and plenty of swimming and basking space.  They need water at about 78 degrees and a basking area heated to about 90 degrees with a good source of UVB.  Their diet should include both plant and animal matter and as much variety as possible--pellets are fine as part of a varied diet, but shouldn't be the only thing fed.  I'm going to give you a link to a good website that you can read over and see if there's anything you need to correct.  If you still need help after that, please post again.