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pot belly pig needing a home

22 9:18:02

I have an 8 month old male pot bellied pig. He is house trained and very tame. However, he does live outside. My concern is that we have since gotten a puppy that he has attempted to bite. As friendly as he is I feel that I need to find him a good home for the safety of my pup. Do you know of anyone in Nebraska that would like to have a pot belly, that is nearly full grown and has the room for him? I would not adpot him out to any home that I have not approved.

Unfortunately homes for pot-bellied pigs are few and far between. Most sanctuaries are overflowing. Right now I'm working on a situation where an old person took in several piggies from circumstances similar to yours, but due to age and illness the pigs were locked in a barn that was never cleaned and are living in 2 feet of poop.

Pigs are programmed to want to be "top hog" and that is what your pig is doing right now. He can easily be retrained. I recommend Priscilla Valentines book "Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training" available from Amazon or her website.

Otherwise, I suggest starting with the Pig Placement Network site  Screen the potential adoptive home carefully, or your pig might end up in a situation like the one I'm currently working on, or worse. Do a home check and ask for an adoption fee. Many dogs and cats given away "Free to a Good Home" without a home check are often sold to laboratories for experimentation. Pot-bellied pigs given away free without a home check often wind up on the BBQ.