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My pot belly piglet

22 9:12:14

I have an 11 week old pot belly piglet named Belle who seems extremely tired. She usually greets me at the gate with great enthusiasm but last night she laid there.Again this morning she just laid there. Have not noticed a cough. Her nose was a little crusty last night but not runny. She drank last night and this morning as well as ate her dinner last night. She didn't"t eat this morning before I had to leave for work. Her sister died 3 wks ago from pneumonia and Belle was prophylactically treated with antibiotics and has been fine up until now. We did purchase a new piglet last week for her so she wasn't lonely. That piglet is fine,so far. Please can you help me. I love her so much and do not want to loose her.
Lisa J. Alpine, CA

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

Your piglet was exposed to pneumonia, and she may still have it. Piglets should always be energetic, never lethargic. Refusing to eat is always a danger sign.

Your pig needs to see a vet promptly for treatment, probably another round of stronger antibiotics. Also, the new piglet may need a dose of preventive antibiotics.