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22 9:17:56

I have a baby pig and he has very little hair and itches non-stop! He is a inside pet and I dont know what kind of skin care supplies to use. Can you send me some suggestions as to what to bath him in and what kind of lotion do i put on him

The three most common causes of excessive itching are parasites, dry skin, and new bristle growth.

Adult pigs have tough skin. Fleas can not bite through except at the soft spots behind the ears and legs. But baby piglets have soft skin and  are susceptible to flea and tick bites. If the baby has fleas, you'll see them. They look like tiny specks of dirt that jump away. A bath and a couple of flea treatments will fix the problem on the pig. Getting rid of fleas in the environment is a little harder. Spraying the vacuum with flea spray and vacuuming the rug, curtains, and all upholstered furniture every other day for a month should get all the fleas and their eggs.

Mange is the problematic parasite in pigs. It's caused by a tiny mite, too small to see. The mite burrows under the skin causing itching. There's several different brands of mite medicine, most contain some form of ivermectin. They are all prescription only, so you'll need to take piggy to a vet. If the infestation is severe, at first the treatment might appear to make things worse! The tiny mites under the skin will die, killing the skin around it. Piggy will be uncomfortable as the skin peels off. Like fleas, mites lay eggs that hatch about every two weeks, so he'll need at least 2 treatments 2 weeks apart. The medicine can be given orally or externally.

New bristle growth makes pigs itch. Sometimes they form small bumps, when the bumps are scratched or popped a bristle appears. Older pigs also itch when they shed. The only solution here is to pull out the older bristles and scratch. One of my pigs is not much of a lover, unless he shedding. Then he loves to have the old bristles pulled out.

Finally, many pigs have dry skin. Some people add a bit of flaxseed oil or olive oil to their food, a teaspoon for babies and a tablespoon for adults. Others apply a lotion like Avon Skin so Soft or Corn huskers. Any non-greasy skin lotion is fine for piggies,just make sure nothing gets in the eyes.