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pbp has white discharge after he goes pee

22 9:13:19

my pig pumbaa has white discharge after he goes pee he is 9 months old and is not neutered yet he will be but i just have not gotten to it yet. is the white discharge normal or an infection???

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

Male pigs have a butterfly shaped pouch called a preputial diverticulum, located in the middle of their bellies. This pouch collects various body fluids, including urine and musk. In intact males this pouch grows quite large and holds a considerable quantity of fluid. It also fills and empties often. Female pigs find the smell of this fluid irresistible. But most people dislike it. This odoriferous fluid is one of the reasons that intact male pot-bellied pigs are not the best house pets.

A discharge after urination could be coming from the preputial diverticulum, or from the urinary tract.

Sometimes, this pouch can become irritated, infected, or clogged. Redness and swelling indicate a problem. Wash the area with a warm, soapy cloth and keep it clean with frequent washings.

If the discharge is coming from the urinary tract, then piggy probably has a UTI. These are serious problems in male pot-bellied pigs. The urethra is both narrow and twisty, and easily clogged. A clog creates backups, making infections and inflammations worse, and pushing the problem farther up the urinary tract, into the bladder or even the kidneys. In the worst cases, the urethra is completely blocked, the pig can not empty his bladder, and the bladder finally bursts.

Your vet might need a sample of the fluid. If the problem is UTI or an infected preputial diverticulum, antibiotics will be necessary. If the discharge is just from the preputial diverticulum, it will continue, and continue to increase in quantity, frequency and odor, until after the pig is neutered. After neutering, the pouch will gradually begin to shrink.

In neutered males this pouch stays relatively small, but still collects fluid and occasionally empties. This happens less and less as the pig ages.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here