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Pot Bellied Pig Questions

22 9:16:40

Hello. I had been asking questions awhile ago about my young pot bellied pig. I dont know if you remember but he was the one that you were worried that he had rhinitis because he was so small. He is now 5 months old and weighs 17 pounds. He is also neutered and doing good! I had also told you about him having freckles. Some of them have grown together so he is a pink, brown, and black pig with white hair on the brown and pink parts of him. LOL
I do have a few questions about him though:
He can be very sweet but will have a temper if he doesnt get his way. I have heard that that is normal for pot bellied pigs. Will he get better in time if we dont him to act like that?

We also werent sure how much to feed him. Weve been feeding him about 2 cups a day and have heard that that is WAY to much. We didnt realize we were feeding him so much because the container we are using to measure his food looks smaller than it is.

We have been using baby lotion for his dry skin. Is that harmful or is it fine to use that?

My last question is: is it normal for pigs to suck on things(hes actually pushing on things so that he can suck on his tongue)? He seems very obsessive about it.

Thank you so much for all of the help that you have given!! It is very much appreciated!!

Potbellied pigs can be stubborn and very easy to spoil.
It is important to not give into his whims...or he will get worse.
Does he do tricks?
This would help you establish dominance! He will get better if you are firm with him.

Dry skin needs to be cured from the inside out.
Lotions simply clog the pours.
Flax or fish oil capsules in his food will help, along with a daily brushing off of the dead skin.
Has he had mange shots?
This is a must.

Most pigs do not suck on things unless he was weaned early?
We suggest feeding him 2 cups as long
as he doesn't seem to be getting fat.......
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine
"Potbellied Pig and Behavior" Book