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Pig aggression

21 18:01:16

Hi, we have a five year old mini pig who charges, bites & head swipes. We didn't realize the early signs of this when he was a piglet or we would have been better about the training. I believe he is a very spoiled pig after reading other posts. We have been doing training & move the pig every day. I am seeing improvement. Can Phillip be turned into a productive member of the family??? Or will he always have this attitude because we addressed it too late?? We have a large barn where he gets outdoor time & he has a bedroom in the house.

We just adopted a 9 month old potbelly to be his companion as he gets very Lonley. Will he hurt her ? Everyone keeps telling me they will fight, work it out & his aggression will get better living with another pig. We now know how to work with these guys and are starting training and move the pig on the new girl right away. They have only interacted through a baby gate but my goal is to have them summer together in the barn & pasture and share Phil's room & house time in winter.

Is there hope for Phillip? Or are we to late?


No you are not too late. Phillip will gradually improve, it just takes older pigs a little bit longer.

Yes, pigs do fight when they are first introduced. It's the pig way. They need to decide between themselves who is top pig. It looks and sounds a lot worse than it really is. But, putting a little vasoline on all piggy ears and tails before the introductions will prevent any accidental injuries.