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Teacup Mini Baby Piglet

22 9:12:55

I just got a pig that's about 4-6 weeks old 2 days ago and she won't eat the pig pellets we bought. Since he has been with us he hasn't pooped and as I mentioned eated mutch. Should we be trying some other type of food than stater food pellets?

Your pig has just been through a big change, taken from everything he's ever known and put in a strange place with strange people. Breeders often overstate the age of piglets, so it's possible your pig is a bit younger and is not weaned.

Give piggy goat milk at room temperature in a shallow pan. Gradually add a pellet or two to the goat milk at each meal, until the goat milk-pellet mix is like oatmeal. At that point gradually decrease the amount of milk and increase the amount of pellets up to 1/2 cup for a piglet under 15 lb.

If piggy isn't eating much, he won't poop much. He should poop within 48 hours of starting on the goat milk diet. If not, try giving him canned pumpkin. If he still doesn't go, he'll need to see a vet.

Goat milk is available at most health food stores, in fresh and powdered form. Both work just fine. A meal of cow's milk is ok in a pinch, but lacks the proper balance of nutrients.