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pig has been eating dog food

22 9:15:33

I have a sweet pbp that is around 2 months old. I was not prepared to take her on. She came from a terrible breeder that had so many she started giving them away. Mine weighed 2 pounds when I took her to the vet. I fed her starter milk. Then the milk with Iams weight control food. I finally found a formula made for pbp's. I tried to feed it to her tonight and she tipped the bowl over and would not touch it. I tried again later with no luck. Will it hurt for her to go with out until she eats it?
She is about 2 and a half months old now and weighs around 30 lbs. I had her spayed and she has not tried to bite till tonight.

Pigs can be, well, pig-headed, especially when it comes to food. Most pigs would prefer to eat dog or cat food. But, it's better for them to eat pig pellets.

She will not starve if she skips a few meals, although she may feel like she is starving and she may try to convince you that she is! But, to make the transition easier on both of you, start by giving her half her old food and half pig pellets, mixed together with a couple of tablespoons of milk.

Chances are she'll try to eat just the dog food and leave the pig food, but along the way she will get a little of the pig food. After a couple of meals, change to 1/4 dog food and 3/4 pig pellets. It's ok to continue to give her treats for training, but do NOT let her fill up on treats. Finally, switch to all pellets. When she's eating the pellets, gradually eliminate the extra milk.

A pot-bellied piglet should gain about 1 lb per week. Your baby is a little on the heavy side, probably from eating the dog food, but that's ok. She will gain less quickly on the pig food, and the extra weight means she will be fine if she insists on skipping the pellets at the first few meals. She should be getting about 3/4 cup of pig food, divided into two meals, plus training treats and some fresh fruits and veggies.