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PBP skin rash and bumps

22 9:18:33

Hello I myself volunteer as an expert so I thank you.
My Pot Bellie has what I would call rash or irritated skin. It also may be an alergic reaction. She gets small bumps on her skin that are dry on top and I scratch them and they bleed. The irritation seems to be on her legs and hocks. Let me know if you experienced this and if there is a product to sooth the irritation.

Oink Oink snort squeel
Mark Rovinsky

It's impossible to diagnose something like this through email.  It could be an allergic reaction, although that's rare in pigs. They might be insect bites, which are also somewhat rare in pigs. Or she could be growing a new coat, some pigs look terrible when they are shedding (blowing their coats) or growing a new coat. Or they could be a kind of mange, a vet can tell by looking or taking a sample.
Bag Balm is a soothing, all purpose ointment. Be sure her legs are clean before applying the Balm. You can also use any skin product made for people on her legs, because pig skin and human skin are so close. Pigs do not lick themselves the way cats and dogs do, so there is little or no danger of the pig ingesting anything applied to the skin.
If the rash persists, spreads or gets worse then she'll need to see a vet for treatment.