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I am Pregnant, Tips on introducing newborn to Pig.

22 9:10:59


I am currently 6mos pregnant with our first. I have an amazing little guy named Sonny! He is going to be 2 in February. I got him at 2mos old. He is a Juliana Mix about 60Lbs. I am his momma. I admit that I spoil him rotten! He is my baby. I do practice Move the Pig with him. He sometimes can be aggressive when he has a mood. I quickly stop that with Move The Pig. My Question is, Can I prepare ahead or any tips to when our human baby is born? I am afraid he is going to be Jealous. We love our little guy a lot and want to train him so nothing gets out of hand. Thank you very much for any advice given!

Continue practicing Move the Pig with him, and be ready for him to start pressing some boundaries. Pigs reach adulthood at age 2 or 2-1/2. Pigs see the world as a ladder, with each person, pet or pig having his own rung. Young piglets know they are small and weak and are content to have lower rungs. When they reach adulthood, they want to move up that ladder. They will challenge their people for top spot. Stick to the rules and routines, and the piggy terrible twos will pass.

I personally have not introduced a pet pig and newborn baby. I think a lot will depend on your pig's personality. Some pigs are content to let children be on higher rungs. Others may challenge children in an effort to have a rung above them. The dynamics between pig and child may change as both of them grow.

I recommend joining one of the Yahoo groups dedicated to pet pigs. PigInfoAndChat is a good one, and I'm sure there are people in that group who have had babies and pet pigs and will be happy to share their tips and experiences.

Good luck and congratulations!