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Piggy problems.

22 9:16:13

We have a mini (as told) potbelly big. He is about 3months old. I love him
dearly but he is driving me insane. He is litter trained yet he pees (we believe
to be pee, its clear) all over the house yet poohs in his litter box, His bed is
right next to my bed (we are very attached) everynight I fall asleep he jumps
on to the bed several times til he gets tired of me putting him back onto the
floor, We have been using NO and Good boy alot since we first got him
(almost 2months ago) yet he doesn't listen to anything we even try to reward
him with grapes and carrots. He walks around screaming non stop at the top
of his lungs we have tried to avoid the voice but he will keep this going for a
good 20-30 mins we are worried about our neighbors complaining. and
everytime I walk he bits and nudges my legs I have many marks on my legs
from him. I would like very much to get him fixed but I tryed calling ever vet
in my area and olny found one that could fix him We had went there to fix his
mite problem and they were very unprofessional I really don't think he knew
what he was doing in the least. But is there any other vets that you know of I
don't mind an hr drive or so .. Palm harbor florida.. I would just like some
advice, I mean is it suposta be this hard to take care of him? Thank you

Grapes will cause a pig to pee too much.
Look up on Google list of "potbellied pig vets" for Fl.
Remember, pigs only scream if it gets them something. Try not to spoil (not an easy job)!
Never feed a  screaming pig. Your pig is training you.
Before rewarding,make sure all noise has stopped.
You need our behavior book at