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Pot Belly

22 9:14:08

Our pot belly pig Saddie we noticed that shes peeing every 15 minutes she cant hold it. Also she was also shaking

I am not a veterinarian, and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. This is definitely a medical condition, your piggy needs to see a vet. There's a list of vets that treat pot-bellied pigs here

If your piggy is a baby, this could be Shaky Pig Syndrome. If your piggy is an adult, intact female, she may be going through heat or the first stages of labor. If your piggy is quite old, this could be a stroke or cancer.

If your piggy is any age, she may have eaten something dangerous, and is showing signs of poisoning. Or, she may have a severe bladder or kidney infection and need antibiotics to get better. Or she may have a back injury.