Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Pig Friend?

Pig Friend?

22 9:16:58

I have a young pig, named pig Newton, that I have had for a few weeks now.  I am wondering if I should adopt another pig.  I was told that if I don't have another pig there is a chance of aggression.  Is that true?

There are many causes of aggression in potbellied pigs.
But we have found that aggression is more common in spoiled, "only" house pigs.
Pigs are herd animals by nature, so generally adopting a second pig will be beneficial in many ways. Bored pigs can be destructive or overly  assertive. Getting a "pal" almost always is a positive.
We have written the only book about pb pig behavior "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at
Please consider it,we have addressed virtually all problems in pigs with solutions. It will guide you through your pig's life.
Welcome to the wonderful world of pigs!
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine