Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > partial paralysis in my pig?

partial paralysis in my pig?

22 9:14:27

Hi, I have a pot bellied pig, not sure of his age as he was a rescue.  He lives outdoors as we live on a 40 acre horse farm.  Tonight when I fed him he was literally dragging his entire rear end as if he were paralised.  He's in a large pen by himself, so there is nothing that could have injured him.  He ate his dinner fine, but what on earth is causing him to not be able to use his hind end?  Thank you!

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. Your piggy will need to see a vet for an accurate diagnosis.

If he's an older pig, he may have had a stroke, or a severe arthritis attack. Obese pigs sometimes hurt their backs simply getting up the wrong way. Something may have fallen on him, he may have gotten tangled in fencing, or stumbled into mud and hurt himself getting out. Partial paralysis may also be a symptom of disease.

Many partially paralyzed pigs do just fine with prompt vet care and a little help. If the problem is strain or injury, anti-inflammatory medicines may solve the problem quickly. If piggy had a stroke, he may need modified accommodations. Several of the larger pig sanctuaries have taken in partially paralyzed pigs, who do quite well and often recover eventually with vet care.

There's a list of pig vets here