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mini pot belly 4 months old

22 9:10:45

i just got a mini pot belly 5 days ago she has been itching like crazy so i researched it online and it said she may have mange it said to use ivermectin well i got it at the feed store and it doesnt say how much to use for a 4 month old and i dont even know if it is ok to use on her and they only had the pour on is it ok to use on her at age four months and how much do i put on her if it is ok?thanks for any help that you may provide

The pour-on form of Ivomec is fine. The dose is determined by weight. So the first step is to weigh your pig. If your pig won't stand on a scale, weigh yourself, pick up the pig and weigh yourself again. The difference between the two weights is the weight of your pig.

The bottle should have instructions for how much to apply for animals in a weight range. If you piglet is smaller than the smallest weight listed, you'll need to do a little math to find the correct dose. Use the smallest weight range and dose listed on the bottle.

For example if the smallest weight listed in 30 lb, and the dose for a 30 lb animal is one unit, and your pig weighs 16 lbs, then your pig is about 1/2 the smallest weight, and so should get 1/2 the smallest dose, or 1/2 unit in this example.