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Pot Bellied Pig Bites

22 9:19:00

Hello.  I have searched the internet far and wide, and I have not seen anyone else with this problem.  My little pot bellied pig (now 6 weeks old) will bite my toes as she walks by for no reason what-so-ever.  Then, as she and I are sitting on the couch, she will reach up and bite my fingers, again, for no reason.  The bites are not hard, but they certainly hurt.  I really am doing nothing to provoke her.  Do you have any suggestions?  Any ideas how to get her to stop?

I really appreciate it:)


At age 6 weeks she is still a baby, and exploring things the way all babies do, with her mouth. Some pigs just adore toes! She will eventually outgrow these things, but it's better to teach her to avoid toes, so she doesn't try sampling someone else's.
Teach her not to nibble toes by gently pushing her head away & saying "No" in a firm voice. Do not hit or slap her. No need to yell sharply, but do sound like you mean it.
The finger issue is a little more complicated. Pigs often get things stuck in their mouths, and it helps if the pig is comfortable with someone sticking their fingers in to check around. So, with that in mind, when she goes for you fingers, take advantage of the opportunity to teach her to "Open Up" & let you feel around inside her mouth.