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Finding dwarf pigs

22 9:19:04

I am researching the possibility of having a pet pig.

Where can I find information about the smallest breeds? I've done a search on the internet with no progress.

Also-Do you know of any breeders near Omaha, Nebraska (within 3 hours' drive)

Thank you,


Pigs are wonderful pets -- for the right people!! Pigs, no matter how small, are not a good pet for most people. Every pig needs outdoor time. Pigs have natural rooting instincts and need to do this. They are also clever and can quickly figure out how to open cupboards and refridgerators.

Zoning is a critcial issue. It's next to impossible to hide a pig. Pigs are usually quiet, but can scream as loud as a jet engine (over 90 decibles!) when hurt or angry. Every day  pig owners are forced to give up their beloved pets to comply with zoning laws, or sell their homes and move.

"Miniature" and "Dwarf" pigs are tiny *compared to their full-size relatives*. The average pot-bellied pig is about the size of a medium dog, but their dense, compact bodies carry far more weight, so the average weight of a full grown pbp is between 120 and 240 lbs.

Lots of piglets are available from rescues and sanctuaries. One of the top "show" pigs in the country came from a rescue, as did John Vincent's newest prize-winning piglet that appeared on Pet Star.

These links have more information