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pot bellied pig spay/neuter

22 9:12:54

Is it absolutely necessary to spay or neuter a pot bellied pig?  I have read that they can make a better pet that way but if I don't fix it will i regret having a pig?

Yes. Intact, adult pigs are driven by hormones. They really can not learn to control some of their actions.

Intact, adult males, called boars, have a strong odor. Female pigs adore the scent, but most people don't like it. The odor is created by the preputial diverticulm, a butterfly shaped pouch near the penis sheath. It's activated by hormones, and collects urine, seamen, and other body fluids. It expels the fluids when the pig is excited. And intact, adult males are constantly excited. They will hump continuously, pace, and drip foam from the mouth.

Intact, adult females don't have the same odor, but they do go through heat cycles and are prone to uterine tumors. Females in heat are escape artists and will wander far in search of a mate. They might pick a person or pet in the household for a "mate", and can get quite aggressive. They also often forget their potty training.

Spaying or neutering will not deter the rooting instinct. Pigs naturally root, it's how they find food in the wild. Piglets root on Mommas belly when they nurse. All pigs need time outdoors to root and play in the dirt.