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My sow had to babbies

22 9:12:55

my sow sally had 2 baby's that were dead this morning and not sure if they can come early. My Question is can she have 2 and the other come in a week or so,or will they die if she doesn't give birth to them in a 24 hour period. this is her 4 litter and usually has 6. the reason i ask the question is her tits are not ass full as they are when it's time to deliver. would you recommend the inducing shot. thank Cassandra

I have had this happen to several sows of mine.  Usually they will have more piglets in a week or so.
I don't usually induce them as the piglets can be from different breeding and the next piglets may not be mature enough at this time.
I would let nature take it course at this point.
I am not a Vet so I am just passing along my personal experience.  If you have any doubts or other questions please contact your Vet.
Hope this helps,