Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Teacup piggy falls down

Teacup piggy falls down

22 9:14:14

Good morning Helen,

I just got a 6 week old teacup pig he is not neutered yet.  He is not able to stand for very long and when he takes a few steps he falls over till he gets his bearings then stands up. He does walk with a waddle to him like a just born animal does trying to het his bearing after a few steps he falls again, he also leans allot on me or the furniture.  but he can run like the dickens and even jumped out of tub on me like if he never had an issue. his leg seem to work fine and his back, he is not in any pain I can tell.  He does breath however like if he had a repertory infection.

Please help with any info you can.


I am not a veterinarian and I can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. But I do know that a pig who isn't able to maintain balance needs to see a vet at once. There are so many possibilities, and just not enough information here.

Are his ribs sticking out? Does he sleep most of the day? He may be malnourished. Unscrupulous breeders do sell malnourished babies.

Was he recently shipped on a plane? Or recently stuff himself on dog or cat food? If so he may have salt poisoning.

Does he have seizures? If so this could be a serious neurological problem.

The respiratory issues may or may not be related. If he has a bad lung infection he may not be getting enough oxygen. It may also be a sign of heart conditions.