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My pbp is restless and is falling

22 9:13:56

My Pbp, Olivia, was fine this morning... but now at 5 she is acting very restless, walking frantically around the yard, falling, and doesn't want me to touch her... She is about 4 months old and she loves attention.  I was thinking maybe she has a sunburn or something ( our yard is 3/4 shade, but maybe she fell asleep in the sun or something ) but she is also squealing and falling down and wont just stop and rest.  I don't know what is wrong with her.  She seems to want to root, but she will start rooting or laying down, then she will fall and jump up and start walking frantically again.  The dogs food has been in her reach since we have had puppies and a whole bunch of rain, but I didn't think it would really do damage... besides weight gain... If you can give me some kind of help or idea of what this could be it would be greatly appreciated.

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

My guess, based on the rapid onset of the symptoms and your piglets age, is Dippity Pig. Dippity Pig is a mysterious syndrome that comes and goes quickly, lasting between 24 and 72 hours. The first symptom is signs of pain, the pig "drops" or "dips" the rear end, hence the name Dippity Pig. Shortly after that, blisters or welts may form on the back and sides. Some may open and ooze a pink goo.

Dippity normally occurs in spring or fall, or occasionally when a pig is very stressed. It rarely occurs in pigs older than age 2.

Open sores or welts can be treated with any first aid cream or ointment made for humans.