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Pig food

22 9:12:18

I have a 6 month old pot belly pig who is about 13 pounds, how much food should i be giving him a day? I just switched his food from a food that the breader gave me (it was almost like a saw dust) to pellets and im not sure if its supposed to be different food. also the person at the store gave me sow chow and said its what pot belly pigs as pets are supposed to eat, but isn't a sow a pregnant pig? is this the right food to give him? i fed it to him for the first time today and when i went out he had thrown a fit and flipped over everything that wasn't screwed to the floor in my room and he keeps screaming like he is hungry, i dont want to over feed him but im worried hes not getting enough ( right now i feed him a quarter cup for breakfast, and a quarter cup for dinner and give him a bowl of fresh veggies and he has a few hours in the evenings where he goes in the yard and grazes)

It is very hard to tell you how much to feed your piglet as they are as individual as humans.
As far as what to are correct that what you got at the feed store is not the feed you should be feeding him.
The best and only feed that is actually designed for the mini pigs is Infinity Plus.  It is a feed that gives them only what they need.  You can then adjust Vit/MIn supplements as needed for your individual pigs needs.  They all require different amounts of feed as some are easy keepers and others require more feed to keep a healthy weight for their size.
Please send me a picture of your piglet standing next to a pop can for reference.  Several are better but then I evaluate your piglets weight from his size and age.
You can find The Infinity Plus feed and vits/mins at the web site on their product page.
Send me pictures at
Hope this helps,