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Pot bellied not eating

22 9:15:34

Hi Helen, I have a sevral week old minitaure pot bellied pig. She is not wanting to eat and It's really concerning me. My friend got one too at the same time, and its fat and healthy. Molly is thin and wont even eat force feeding dosent work and she is dehydrated i gave her gator rade and she dosnet like it and shes been really cold. WHat should i do? ps we have a dog who had pupies and she likes her milk.

It sounds like your baby may not have been weaned and doesn't understand she has to eat. The cold is a sign that her system might be shutting down. She really should see a vet to rule out any serious infections.

Offer her goat milk, either slightly warm or at room temperature. Don't try force feeding her. Just put the pan by her and leave her alone with it. Gradually add starter pig pellets a bit at a time. Let her have as much as she wants, don't worry about portion control until she's got her health back.

Make sure she has a warm (but not hot) draft free place to sleep and blankies.