Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > overweight and blind senior

overweight and blind senior

22 9:16:47

My foster girl arrived today. She is  obese maybe 200lbs and blind due to the
fat on her eyes. She will need the vet to do a house call due to trim feet and
vaccinate. How long before i should have him out. Also i started her on pig
food tonight 1 cup with warm water to turn it to mash and will feed same in
the morning . What can i do to help her weight issues and what can i expect
with a blind pig.And advice would be so helpful. Also what should i ask my
vet to look for . She settled in and seems calm in her shed with the heat
lamp. Poor old soul has been through a lot..  

I would only feed one cup of pig feed per day, and 4 cups of fresh chopped GREEN veggies (no fruit). Broadcast the feed on the ground so she gets exercise finding treats but Cheerios or dry popcorn (no butter).
This is so sad and so common....
BLESS you for taking her on.
I would have the vet out in 3 weeks, give her time to acclimate.
Blind pigs often regain site, unless their eyes "rot out" due to bacteria in the folds of fat.
Hopefully, her pasterns (leg joints) aren't shot.
THANK YOU for caring.