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Pig acts like in heat but is spayed

22 9:15:29

Our 2 year old female pig has recently been having some strange behavioral issues.  She recently blew her coat for the first time and then immediately following that has been acting strange.  It's as if she can't get comfortable and just mulls around. Her appetite has been normal.  I've also noticed her vulva is red and swollen along with her nipples.  She has been spayed.
She also went potty in the house a couple of times recently which she hasn't done in over a year.
Could she go in heat after being spayed? Or could this be something else?

Female pigs reach sexual maturity at six months but don't reach adulthood until they are about 2 years old. At that point some pigs begin to show aggression, others loose interest in playing with toys. The coat blowing is a sign of adulthood.

If the vet took all ovaries out when she was spayed, which is the usual procedure, then she should be physically unable to go into a heat. If the ovaries are still there, even just one or part of one, then she can go into heat and act like an unspayed female.

Another possible problem is an infection. The fact that she cannot seem to get comfortable indicates it might be a bladder or urinary infection. Sometimes a spayed pig can get a vaginal infection that also causes swelling and redness similar to a heat. In this case, piggy will need to see a vet and get some antibiotics.