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Acting different

22 9:14:57

My 6 month old pb pig just started acting different.  She has always lived with 2 little dogs that they get along great.  She now is not eating much.  She is also acting like she doesn't feel good or just keeping to herself more.  She has always let me pet her and now she wont. I just got another 6 week old pb pig but it stays in the house for now.  I just somehow didn't know if maybe she knows (she hasn't seen it).  I am just concerned and was going to call a vet tomorrow to get more on if I should take her in.

Is she spayed? If not, she's probably in heat. Every pig in heat reacts differently. Some become aggressive, rooting at feet and jumping up on people or animals. Others become withdrawn. Some whine constantly, others are unusually silent. Indoor females often forget their potty training during heat. Female pbp usually have their first heat between 4 and 6 months of age.

If she is spayed, then she may be ill. Colds and flu are caused by virus. Most virus are species specific, that is, they infect only one particular kind of animal (or only people). Unfortunately, the H1N1 virus is zoonotic, that is, it can jump from people to animals, and has jumped from people to their pet pigs.

So if your pig is spayed and acting ill for 2 days or more, she should see a vet.