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teeth grinding, old potbelly

22 9:14:36

For the last few weeks, my aged female potbelly grinds her teeth after breakfast. I've thought perhaps she's cold, or just wants to get out of her stall to munch on the leftover chicken feed, but want to make sure it's not a symptom of something more serious. It seems to stop after she gets to go outside. Is there anything I could try or check on to make sure it's just frustration, not ulcers or something else serious?

Pigs grind their teeth for lots of reasons -- and for no reason at all. If this is a new behavior, there's probably a reason for it.

Pigs can't talk and they can't tell us what's wrong. Because your pig is a senior citizen, I recommend having a vet check her out. I am not a vet and it's impossible to make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

There's very little that a pig owner can actually check for. One thing is a dental problem. Older pigs sometimes loose teeth or develop oral abscesses. If you can, get her down for a belly rub and check around her mouth. Look for swelling, pockets of junk, and loose teeth.

What does she do after she goes outside? That may give a clue to her behavior. If she drinks a lot of water, or eats a lot of grass she may have an ulcer. If she just finds a nice spot to sleep, then the tooth grinding may be simple frustration.