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mini potbellied pig mature size/feeding questions

22 9:14:31


At what age does a miniature potbellied pig stop growing? Aprox how tall and how much will a full grown mini potbellied female weigh?
She is she is 4.5 months old and weighs aprox 23 pounds now.
She is eating Mazuri Active Adult potbellied pig food twice a day and gets 1 wheat thin cracker each time she goes outside to use the bathroom. Ocassional fruits and vegetables as a snack but not on a daily basis. Should I be feeding fruits veggies more often? I have attached a photo to give you some idea of her size now. She is my first pig so I am learning as we go.
thanks in advance for your help.

Pot-bellied pigs grow fairly quickly for about a year. For the next year to year and a half, they grow at a much slower rate. After that, they continue to grow, but very, very slowly, until they are about 4.

It's rare to find a healthy, five or six year old pig less than 80 or 90 lbs (slightly larger than the average beagle). Pigs have very dense bodies with heavy bones. If you have a pig and a dog exactly the same size, the pig will weigh a lot more, possibly even double the dogs weight.

Feeding pigs is more of an art than a science. Personally, I like to give my pigs veggies daily. Sometimes they're plain frozen veggies, sometimes it's the "day old" scraps from the farmers market. Pigs enjoy grazing and grass is fine for them to eat - IF it is NOT sprayed or treated with fertilizers, weed killers, etc. Grass is high in fiber so the piggie feels full, low in calories, and takes a long time to eat.

The Yahoo group PigInfoAndChat is dedicated to pot-bellied pigs and their care, with lots of interesting discussions about pig behavior and care.