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injured pot bellied pig

22 9:13:10

I have a 10month old pbp who was attacked by a dog on saturday. his face and ears are all tore up and he will not get up to walk, he trys to get up but it seems like his front legs or shoulders may be broken. He will still eat but wont drink as much as he usually does. i checked his shoulder and legs and noticed his right should seems a little swollen and is warm to the touch. He screams anytime i touch him and its killing me. could his leg and or shoulder be dislocated and what can i do to help it heal correctly. im afraid the vet will tell me to put him down if his legs or shoulders are broken. i feel horrible im so worried he mite not make it! please help!!! thank you!

I can not provide medical treatment over the internet. Your pig needs to see a veterinarian at once. Dog bites can cause serious injuries deep in the tissue. If he is swollen and warm then infection has already set in and he needs antibiotics. You can try gently washing the wounds with a warm, damp cloth, but if he is so injured he can not walk he must see a vet for medical care. There is a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs at