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my potbelly pig

22 9:14:57

i just rescued a potbelly pig yesterday and its penis was hanging out, i didnt think it was normal but i thought mayb it would go back in but hasnt. what should i do

The answer is, it depends.

Intact male pigs often leave it "all hanging out" for extended periods of time. They also hump everything in sight, and frequently foam at the mouth.

When a pig is neutered, it takes a month or so for hormones to leave the body. The humping and foaming usually stops fairly soon, but the "all hanging out" thing might continue for a couple of months. Also, the pig may extend during belly rubs.

But when a male who has been neutered for 6 months or so leaves it "all out" for extended periods of time, something is wrong. It's important to get medical treatment right away because the narrow, twisty urethra inside is prone to damage.