Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Humping Piggy

Humping Piggy

22 9:18:46

I just got a 4 1/2 month old 40 pound, Pot Bellied Pig named Twizzler, two days ago. The first few hours that we spent together, he seemed to be a bit frightened but soon he seemed to be comfortable with me. This is when he suddenly he started to seem to be aggressive towards me (chasing me, panting, biting and frothing from the mouth) and then trying repeatedly to hump my leg. This seems to be the only thing that he is interested in doing now, and it sort of scares me. I have been attempting to unsuccessfully stop him by firmly tell him "no" and then him pushing him away from me, but this just seems to make him more persistent and he will not stop. I finally just have to leave him as this seems to be our only interaction.
I have made an appointment for him to be neutered next week, in hopes this will stop this behaviour. I have read that it may take a few weeks for the humping to completely stop as his hormones change. When I spoke with the Vet about neutering him, she asked me to look to see if see his testicles. When I checked I couldn't see them, so she informed me that perhaps they haven't "dropped" yet and that I may have to come back in a few weeks when they do.
So I guess my question is this, if they don't drop what are my other options? As I don't think I can handle a pig who tries to constantly aggressively hump me, others and my dog, is there anything else I can do to try to discourage this behaviour?

Thanks so much for your advice,

Hello, sounds like Twizzer is being sexually aggressive and yes....he should be neutered.  Most piglets are neutered at a younger age as soon as their testicles drop.
It is hard to tell about the testicles just by looking as male pigs don't hang down like some other animals do.
The best way to tell is by actually feeling them.  You should be able to feel a slightly harder inner roundness inside each testicle.  Sometimes only one testicle has dropped and that means it would need to be surgically removed and would be more of an issue.  Be sure your Veterinarian is familiar with miniature pigs as then can be very sensitive to anesthetic.
The neuter in most cases will stop this aggressive behavior.  It will also get rid of the boar smell and make a much better pet for you in the long run.
I hope this information helps.  If you have any other questions or I can help in any other way please let me know.
I wish you good luck with Twizzer!
Take care,,