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7 week old

22 9:15:14

hi, I have had my PBP for 1 week today.she was 6 weeks old when I adopted her. She did not have a bowel movement for the first 24 hrs I had her so I took her to the er vet and she was impacted.after the rest of the day and night on meds. she finally went and went and little rabbit droppings.2 day ago I noticed she was having trouble going again so I added olive oil to her feedings that day,a total of about 1/2 tsp. today I added canned her stools were still hard. the past 3 days her stools have been big long like dog poo.this is my concern. she goes out an poo's 10 - 12 times a day and they are huge well formed.but every step she takes some falls out all the time. In the house i change her rugs and bedding 3 to 4 times a day because of all the droppings.she is very playfull and healthy the vet said but poop is constantly falling out of her. she get 1 1/2 cups of mini pig food spread out during the day. she is always hungry wanting more food, but I dont give her any more than that.she has been wormed, and was even negative on her stool cultures. what is going on? I have had pigs in the past that never dropped poo with every step. help! thanks.

I am not a vet and can not make a diagnosis over the internet. I don't know what kind of meds your vet gave, or if he took x-rays and what they showed.

A healthy pigs stool is roundish shaped and several inches across, roughly the size of a tea light candle. Pig people often refer to them as "pig berries".

Canned pumpkin does make pigs poop, and very often when canned pumpkin is used to relieve constipation the result is long log shaped poops.

My guess is that she swallowed something inedible, probably before you got her. Whatever it was caused the impaction. Now her body is in the process of passing the problem thing, cleaning out all the backed up poop, and healing. Plus, being adopted to a new home is stressful, and stress does affect us physically.

As long as she is pooping and peeing and looking and acting fine, I'd give her a few days of a steady diet and routine, I think her body just needs a little more time to recover from the impaction and adjust to everything new.

Piglets are always hungry! Normally, a sow will wean her piglets at 8 weeks, so your piglet is still a little young. It's ok to supplement her diet with a bit of goat milk. She should be getting fruits and veggies every day in addition to the pellets. The fiber in foods like lettuce and celery will help her feel full without adding a lot of extra calories. Plus, it will satisfy her need to chew.