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baby pot belly not eating..Help!

22 9:12:51

I got a 5-week old mini pot bellied pig on Friday (three days ago).  He has not eaten since then.  The breeder said he was weened but he is showing no signs in moistened pig food, fruits, bread soaked in milk, ANYTHING!  He is drinking regularly and peeing in the litter box.  No poop yet.  He likes to sleep but gets up and is active.  I've tried feeding him by hand and using a syringe to give him milk.  Again - won't have it.  Im leaving a buffet of foods out for him to eat...and Im sure he's eating none of it.  Any suggestions?  I am just so afraid he's going to starve!!!

Unfortunately, breeders sometimes sell unweaned piglets. Good breeders will provide feeding instructions and encourage you to contact them if something like this happens. If he hasn't been eating, there won't be any poop.

It's good that he's drinking. Give him goats milk or a nutritional drink like Boost or Ensure at room temperature.

Gradually add a few starter pellets to the milk. Just a few, no more than three or four. At each meal, add another three or four to the milk, until he's getting about 1/4 cup of pellets twice a day. Then, start reducing the amount of milk until it's just pellets. Or, you can continue to add room temperature water to the pellets to make a mush, some pigs prefer it that way.

A healthy mini pig should gain about 1 lb per week. They grow very quickly until they are about 2 years old. Piglets up to 15 lb should get at least 1/2 cup per day. After that, they need about 1/2 cup per 15 lb of piglet. Very active piglets may need more.