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my new micro pig sounds

22 9:12:51

my micro pig i just brought home today wont stop wagging its tail and snorting is there a reason when i first saw her she was quiet but now roams the house grunting non stop
just want to make sure its ok and hope she will  calm a bit what do you think

Your piglet is perfectly normal. This is how healthy, happy piglets behave. They love to explore and talk. Your piglet will also root, that's a natural instinctive behavior.

Pigs are not like dogs or cats. They think and act very differently.

Trick training helps the pig and the person learn to understand each other. It's a good way to bond with your piglet.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. Pig behavior is a big topic, and she goes into it in much more detail than I can here. Her book is available from