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about pot bellys

22 9:13:20

i was wondering if they are legal in Alaska?

There's several layers of laws that govern what is ok to do and what isn't. State laws apply to the entire state, local laws can not over ride state laws. Local laws, such as county regulations or village zoning ordinances, apply only to the local area. What's not legal in one community may be fine in neighboring towns and cities. Also, in places with Homeowners Associations, the HA rules are every bit as binding as local or state laws.

To the best of my knowledge, Alaska has no specific prohibitions on pot-bellied pigs. However, your local community or HA may have rules.

Always get copies of rules or zoning ordinances in writing. I've seen it happen over and over again - a pet owner calls his local community government. The person answering the phone doesn't know, makes a mistake, or just doesn't care, and provides a wrong answer. But, that answer is useless and meaningless, the written ordinances take precedent over anything said on the phone. Sometimes they may be reluctant to give you the ordinances, so you might have to insist, but in the end it's worth it.

For more information on zoning, or information on how to change a zoning law, visit  Sometimes changing a local law is as simple as writing a letter and attending a council meeting.