Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > 8 week old female pot belly pig

8 week old female pot belly pig

22 9:18:45


I just got my baby Pot belly yesterday.  I have noticed that she is poohing and peeing while she sleeps and the pooh looks like a spot in the middle of the urine its just darker kinda like bird pooh.  Also If her room (my closet) gets even remotely cooler than say 76 degrees she starts to shiver.  I was just wondering is she sick and has diarrhea or is she just scared has not really bonded with me yet cant get her to eat so i cant trick her with that yet.  I was also wondering is it possible she was still nursing and that why the pooh is runny.  Thanks i am worried about my little piggy


Your piggy should NOT be pooping and peeing while she sleeps.
Stress, a change in diet, and e.coli are the usual causes of diarrhea in piglets. Diarrhea is dangerous in small piglets because it can quickly lead to dehydration and death.
Piglets can shiver from cold, stress, excitement, nutritional deficiency, or illness. Keeping her warm is important, but not overheated.
A normal healthy weaned piglet will not refuse food.
She may be sick and should see a vet. You can find a list of vets at, or contact the Duchess Fund at
In the meantime, keep her warm, sit with her and speak softly, let her approach you. Offer her goats milk, and pig food moistened with goats milk.