Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Keeping a single pot belly in the house and crating.

Keeping a single pot belly in the house and crating.

22 9:15:41

I am wanting to get a female pot belly piglet.  I have done lots of research on these guys and looking for the right pig at the moment.  Out of all the sites I have read only one mentions that keeping a single pig with contribute to behavioral problems like aggression and destruction.  How true is this?  Does it depend on the pig itself?  Is there a way to prevent it?
Is it ok to crate a pig while away or lock it up in a room?

It is okay to confine a pig for short time increments.
Most breeders suggest buying 2 pigs because pigs get bored and destructive.
But using ideas from our book "Potbellied Behavior and Training" at will help an "only" pig to not get bored, and therefore be destructive.
Good luck,