Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > 6 mo old pig screaming every 4 hours

6 mo old pig screaming every 4 hours

22 9:13:29

I have a 6 mo old neutered PBP who screams about every 4 hours, all hours of the night.  When I feed him he stops screaming but then he is right back to it again.  We keep him in the kitchen with a baby gate and let him in the living room when we are home, but he has had some issues with peeing on carpet so that's why we keep him in the kitchen.  When he screams, and I let him outside, he will stop screaming, then, after a few minutes, he is screaming to be let back inside.  When he screams, then I feed him, he will stop screaming.  But a few minutes later he is at it again, wanting more food.  It seems to be all about food and I don't want to reinforce any bad behaviors.  As of now, we are not getting a lot of sleep.  When do pigs sleep through the night?  Or do they ever?

You will need to start all over with your training.
Pigs learn very fast that they can get what they want by annoying their people.
It is much harder to undue bad behavior.
You will need to ignore the squealing and get him on your schedule and your terms.
He should be eating his feed two times a day only.  The amount should be adjusted to his weight.  Give him his snacks once or no more than twice a day but only at specific times that work for you. This will take a while and so don't give up!  Get ear plugs if you need to!!!

Often commercial feeds do not not satisfy all of the individual nutritional needs of Pot Bellied Pigs.
The best feed I have found is Infinity Plus.  You can find their products at in the product section.  You will need their Adult Chow and also their Vit/Min supplement.  This will make sure that he is getting everything he needs nutritionally. It will help satisfy his hunger and should really help with his behavior.
If you will send me a picture I will be happy to evaluate his weight for for you.
Send pictures to
Good luck and hope this helps,