Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > loose stools

loose stools

22 9:14:53

A friend of minds 4 year old female pot belly pig has had loose stools for several months now.  She looks great,(maybe a little over weight)and she eats and drinks normal.  He feeds her 2 cups a day of pot belly pig feed and she has a nice yard to go in during the day.  He has had several vets look at her and they could not come up with the answer to why her stools are loose.  Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you so much for your help!

I'm not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

Normally, pig poop is an oval shape. Pig lovers often call them "pig berries". High fiber or high fat diets can change the poop into a log like shape. Fresh pig berries should be moist and somewhat soft. When fresh berries are dry and hard, it means the pig is dehydrated. Also, when a pig has been constipated, the first poops out will not look "normal".

Intestinal blockage and constipation are common problems in pigs. Sometimes, the only indication of blockage is constant diarrhea. The blockage prevents heavy solids from passing through, allowing only soft or nearly liquid waste to pass.

Blockages are usually visible on x-rays. Depending on the kind of blockage and it's location, the treatment may be enemas, stool looseners, or surgery.