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dwarf pot bellied pigs

22 9:18:38

I am getting a pot bellied pig and i was wondering if they are prone to any
medical conditions I should be aware of? and also if there are any other things i
should be aware of? thank you!

Thank you for asking. Pot-bellied pigs are special pets with special requirements. Too often people who can not or will not meet their needs buy piglets on impulse.
Pigs are extremely intelligent, much more than a dog or cat.  This also makes them more difficult to train than a dog or cat. Pigs will pout and throw temper tantrums, and can be sneaky. At around age 2, pigs often get the "terrible twos", and try to become the Boss Hog, so firm but gentle guidance is needed right from the start.
Pot-bellied pigs need to root. It's an instinctive behavior. Human babies automatically try to crawl and walk, pigs root. Outdoors is best, but some pigs are happy with a rooting box indoors.
Most pigs will need their hooves trimmed from time to time, so it's best to start handling their feet every day from day 1. Keep the hoof clippers or other nippers handy, and while rubbing the hooves and legs, "snip" the empty clippers (don't actually clip the hooves), until the pig gets used to the sound.
Unspayed female pigs get "Piggy PMS" and are prone to fatal uterine tumors. Intact male pigs secrete a smelly mucus that sows adore, but most humans do not. A fixed male pig will still grow tusks.
Pigs are designed to gain weight quickly and loose weight slowly, so it's important to make sure that the piggy gets enough to eat - but not too much.
I highly recommend Priscilla Valentines book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and training. It is an excellent guide for every pig owner. It's available from Amazon and from a number of sanctuaries and rescues. If you buy it from a rescue, the rescue keeps the profit.
Yahoo groups has a couple of groups devoted to pot-bellied pigs. Piginfoandchat and potspot are two of the best. The people in both groups love pigs and are always ready to talk about pigs and offer guidance to new pig owners.