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Introducing our 6 yr. old pig to our 6 month old pig

22 9:17:13

Hello My husband and I have a six year old neutered male pot belly and now a six month old spayed female pot belly. We are very concerned about introducing them to each other when we tried before Rootie our male acted very aggressive by going right after Fannie our female and swiping his head back and forth.He is very friendly to his people so this kind of took us by surprise. He  has very large tusks and I am afraid he will do damage.We have them both outside in separate yards so they can not see each other right now but we could make it possible just to separate them by a gate and see what happens.Rootie is about 150 pounds and Fannie is only about 60 pounds right now so I don't know if we should wait until she is bigger or if the sooner we get them together the better.We would really like it if they could live together and be friends. I would really appreciate any suggestions. Thank you,Liz

Pigs have a pecking order. The strongest pig wins, and after that they are all friends. If they are confused over who the leader is, they fight.
You should support your older pig and not protect the smaller pig unless they really get into it.
Supervise fights and use a garbage can lid to put between them if they bite.
Because one pig is much larger, this is GOOD....the smaller pig will retreat quickly and then they can be friends! The worst fights are equally sized one backs off until one is really hurt.
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Good luck,
they WILL be friends once the pecking order is established!
Priscilla Valentine