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socializing pigs

22 9:13:59

We have a 7 month old male potbellied pig.  We just recently purchased a six week female potbellied pig as well. Unfortunately, the 7 month year old is jealous, angry, and possibly a little scared of the new pig.  Whenever the new pig gets close to the 7 month year old, the seven month year old snaps at the new pig.  What should we do to make the seven month year old feel more comfortable and less aggressive towards the new pig?

Piggy introductions can be tense, but eventually the piggies will form a deep and lasting bond. Pigs see the world as a ladder, and each pig has his, or her, own rung. When two piggies meet, they have to decide which pig is on which rung. One pig will be the dominant pig, the other will be second in command.

When two adult pigs are introduced to each other, they often fight. I am assuming that by "seven month year old" you mean the older pig is about 28 weeks old. If that's correct, both your piggies are still babies. The older pig will be the dominate pig for now. Depending on their personalities, they may switch positions when they reach adulthood at age 2 or so.

Your pigs have had a while to see and smell each other. The best thing to do is let them together in the yard or play room and let them work things out between them. Your older pig will have to show that he is boss by snapping or chasing the younger pig. Because they are both very young, and because the older pig most likely has a size advantage, it won't take long for them to decide the older pig is in charge and settle down. You might want to put a bit of Vaseline or other slippery lotion on their ears before the big introduction. Pigs often grab ears when they fight, the slippery lotion prevents them from latching on and doing any real damage.

It can be hard for owners to watch the introduction squabbles without interfering, but interfering just prolongs the fighting. It's ok to leave the two of them alone to work things out.