Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > tusks


22 9:13:59

I have a pbp and have noticed his tusks are starting to come in. What is the best way to take care of this.
Thank you

New tusks can be quite sharp, and it takes piggies awhile to realize they can hurt people (or other pigs) with their tusks.

What to do depends on your particular situation. Tusks should not be trimmed below the lip line, because they can grow up into the lip. When the sharp tip protrudes beyond the lip, it can be blunted with a file.

Most pigs that spend a lot of time outdoors manage to break their own tusks off if they get too long. The sharp point from a new tusk or a break will eventually wear down a bit.

Pigs that spend a lot of time indoors usually need a tusk trim eventually. Most vets prefer to do this while the pig is knocked out under anesthesia. Some pig owners prefer to trim tusks themselves with cutting wire or blunt them with wood files.

With patience and persistence, you might be able to teach your pig to let you blunt the tip of his tusks with a wood file. Start by messing with his mouth and teeth with your fingers. When he's comfortable with that, introduce the file. Just show it to him, let him smell it. The next time you mess with his mouth, have the file in your hand. When he's comfortable with that, start blunting the tusk with the file, do only a few swipes at a time. The friction can cause the tusk to heat up, and that's uncomfortable for the pig.