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elderly pig

22 9:18:20

dramatic weight loss just before winter that no amount of feed can counter.he still has healthy appetite,i moisten his food,add vegetables,canned pumpkin,fruit or milk to his twice daily feedings.i feed him the same brand of pet pig food as always.there are no vets in my area that can handle an aging potbelly and no suggestions without hauling the pig in and creating more stress than i think the pig can handle.harley hogg is over 19yrs old so i'm assuming these are his last i correct?

At age 19 Harley certainly is a senior citizen!

It's impossible to make any medical diagnosis over the internet. Unplanned weight loss could have any number of causes. The serious danger signs are a loss of appetite and/or inability to move, pee, or poop, and under these circumstances he may need to see a vet no matter how stressful. But as long as he is eating, peeing, pooping, and moving around, chances are he'll be ok for awhile longer.  

If you're located someplace cold, make sure he has lots of extra bedding and warmth.

A food or vitamin supplement for elderly pigs might help with the weight loss. Your local feed store might be able to order Mazuri or Manna Pro brands, Heartland Products make supplements and feeds. You can start adding supplements right away, but switch feed gradually.