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pig diet

22 9:18:19

how would i get a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, mineral, vitamins, fibre and lipids into a pig? what foods (not through pig feed? (wild or domestic)

Nutrition is a complex subject. Feed companies have entire divisions of nutritionists (many with PhDs) devoted to developing ideal nutritional formulas.

Those processed food pellets may look alike, but on a chemical level each one is a completely different food with different nutritional properties for different animals. Also, an animal's nutritional needs change as they grow, have babies, and age.

Wild pigs eat primarily roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, nuts and vegetables. They also enjoy bugs, grubs, and insects. Pigs are not predators, but they are scavengers and will eat dead carcasses. Wild pigs have been documented chasing down, harassing and finally killing and eating ill or injured animals, but this behavior is rare.

The best way to ensure a balanced diet is to provide a good quality commercial feed and supplement it with a daily serving of vegetables and occasionally fruits.