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pig neutered and still humping

22 9:14:39

my pig tasso is 5 months old and was just recently neutered. His odor has gone away and he behaves much better but he is still humping and ejaculating. He is not doing it nearly as much as before but i was wondering if he would eventually stop.

Yes, the humping and ejaculating will eventually stop.

A male pig can be fertile for as long as a month after neutering. The boar-ish smell and habits can last longer, but eventually they will go away, too. His tusks will continue to grow, but not as fast. If he has already developed the hard "boar armor" on his shoulders, that may not go away.

The ejaculating will gradually stop as his hormone levels drop. The humping is partly a learned behavior, and he may continue to do that longer out of habit. Now that he's neutered he can learn to control this behavior, so distract him from humping by giving him something else to do, like a simple trick or a toy to play with.