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Safety of antibiotic for pot belly big

22 9:14:22

Is clindamycin hcl 150mg capsule safe for an infected, I believe to be a rat bite, below my pot belly pigs eye.

I am not a veterinarian and can not prescribe medicine over the internet.

Pigs often get skin abscesses. This happens when dirt or bacteria is trapped in a wound that heals over. The contaminated area just beneath the skin develops into a pocket full of pus, that forms a swollen lump.

The best way to treat this kind of abscess is to open it,drain it, clean it, then apply topical antibiotic ointments. Most abscesses will eventually open up on their own. Hot compresses sometimes help them open faster. They can also be lanced with a sterile needle. After the abscess is open, drain the pus out. If possible, rinse the wound with clean water. Any antibiotic wound cream for people (like Neosporin) will work just fine.

Oral antibiotics won't do much good. The healing can not begin until the abscess is opened and drained.